Well Hello! 2024 is upon us


Hello and welcome to FrontDoorFarmMarket... dot com! or ezndiltraditionalmusic.com
We're happy to have you stop by for a visit.

We are so grateful for the many things that have happened to us these past few years. We learned that we have many, many loving and dear family and friends who are there when you need them most. Thanks to all and you know who you are. Now for this year. We are looking forward again to travel to faires and festivals and put smiles on faces. Share our love of the traditional songs and stories! Play music with some amazing people and spend some time on our farm.

We are of course looking forward to another year playing at our familiar haunts and we have some new ones to add. Be sure to check out the show schedule (we try to keep it updated) and join us when you can. We are working hard on our 2 new cd's which should be out this Spring and making more babies dance!

We are so blessed and thank God everyday for what we get to do and how we have come to where we are. Thanks to you. Be sure to check out our You Tube channel Ez n Dil


Front Door Farm Market is home to M&N Farms near Taneyville, MO. It is our piece of heaven nestled in these Ozark Mountains.This farm is our blessing still as we travel down dusty paths, muddy roads, asphalt jungles, straights and curves. We have scaled back our farming as we are travelling more and more but it sure is nice to call home because you know there's no place like it!

We have added some more pages to our site adding our educational programs and a You Tube channel,check out our links page. And just in case you are wondering yes we are still farmers and performers which makes us Perfarmers! Please check our SHOW SCHEDULE

God Bless, Mike and Nancee
Contact us HERE


Front Door Farm Market is home to M&N Farms near Taneyville, MO. It is our piece of heaven nestled in these Ozark Mountains.This farm is our blessing still as we travel down dusty paths, muddy roads, asphalt jungles, straights and curves. We have scaled back our farming as we are travelling more and more but it sure is nice to call home because you know there's no place like it!

We have added some more pages to our site adding our educational programs and a You Tube channel, check out our links page. And just in case you are wondering yes we are still farmers and performers which makes us Perfarmers! Please check our SHOW SCHEDULE

God Bless, Mike and Nancee
Contact us HERE